Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile)
Challenge: Help users discover and utilise advanced features by delivering micro-experiences at the perfect moment.
Action: Generated concepts for smart-home systems. Created prototypes for user testing, and pitch materials for internal venture capital.
Result: Leveraging lesser-known phone features and unique capabilities of a network provider, in 3 main concepts. One to simplify smart-home user onboarding, and streamline control of internet-of-things home devices to interact with each other and have a shared interface. The other two were user tools related to cybersecurity, and resolving vulnerabilities.
• SaaS
• iOS
• Android
• IoT
• Smart-Home
• UI heavy
Bed Threads
Challenge: As the company’s first UX Designer, improve key eCommerce experiences. Help the business scale into new product lines, and beyond the Australian market.
Action: Improved usability of a bundle-building tool, Set up the design system. UX writing for different countries. Cart summary naming taxonomy for user and warehouse invoice legibility. Creating microsites for experimental product lines with unique audiences.
Result: Launched into the UK, US and Canada, with UX around currency, sizing standards, garment naming, brand voice, languages, and laws. Extensive UI improvements. Simplified and scalable fulfilment, consistent UI and design system for new product lines. Designed for new core lines in bath linen sets, table linen sets, and sleepwear.
• eCommerce
• Responsive
• UI heavy
State Library of Victoria
Challenge: Create responsive webpages, multimedia brand direction, and launch programs for new tiers of membership, annual fundraising appeal, and more.
Action: Pivoted strongly when COVID-19 began, and guided the library through a digital transformation. Many micro-sites were created, and key roadmapped goals were also maintained.
Result: The library functioned as a historic archive and museum. I helped them bring their collections online and increase digital access to the public, while finding ways to keep them on track and benefitting from preset goals.
• State Government
• UI-heavy
• Service Design
• Multimedia
• Responsive
City of Newcastle Digital Library
Business Goals: Launch the Digital Library as part of the new City Hall. Improve digital literacy and online access, for the entire library system in a city of 170k.
Contributions: Robotics, conversational AI, WCAG improvements, UX for website / app, and programming a variety of unique interactive screen interfaces.
Outcomes: Identifying the biggest opportunities for the library system, by leveraging existing resources and showcasing the city at large.
• Municipal Government
• Robotics
• AI + IoT
• Multimedia
• Service Design
Hello Fresh + Franklands Foods
Challenge: Improve UX to increase sales. Launch Hello Pure as direct-to-consumer subsidiary of Franklands Foods wholesale.
Action: Ad strategy for Facebook and Google, Instagram strategy, surveys, polls, heatmapping, journey mapping, positioning, competitive research, UX/UI improvements.
Result: Improved sales, relevance scores, stakeholder relations, client retention, and business stability.
• B2B
• eCommerce
• UI heavy
Web Choice Online
Challenge: Overhaul the aesthetic of a digital agency in order to better showcase quality for clientele.
Action: Redesigned agency brand across social media, website and assets. Generated quantitative data to inform decisions.
Outcomes: Created design consistency and guidelines, including social post templates, new logo, new brand colours, and redesigned website.
• B2B
• Rebrand
Ayoub’s Dried Fruits & Nuts
Challenge: Primary goal: Multiply online sales via marketing + UX. Secondary: Local traffic to stores.
Action: Strategizing and running experiments for advertising, eCommerce, events, B2B partnerships, gifting, and more.
Result: Online sales multiplied 3x. ~25% in-store sales increase. 3 new lines of business: 5th store with a bakery, wholesale B2B program, and launching packaged products (previously sold in bulk by weight).
• Retail
• Service Design
• UI heavy
• eCommerce
• B2B